A New Way to Pray for your Prodigal Child

Praying for Wayward Children

A New Way to Pray for Your Prodigal Child

Lily Taylor | 9.6.22

The following post is inspired by the events detailed in our true story, Unconfined: Lessons from Prison and the Journey of Being Set Free, by Lily Taylor. We hope it will help you find joy and purpose while you are waiting on restoration.

Scripture Prayers for Prodigals:

Hedge of Protection

My husband, Skip, and I use a wonderful app/podcast called the Daily Audio Bible to read us the bible in a year. This is our 11th journey through the bible, and knowing God’s word better has changed our lives.  As we came to the familiar story of Job in our reading last week, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me in a new way about praying for our prodigal children.

The story is a dramatic one. Satan was granted access

throne room prodigal son prayer

to the throne room of God. When God comments on the faith and piety of Job, Satan responds, in essence, “Job only serves you because you are blessing and protecting him. If Job had to deal with calamity, he wouldn’t love you as much.” (Job 1:9-11). In response to this provocation from Satan, God lifted the “hedge of protection” around Job, and allowed Job to be tested by his enemy.


Job’s great faith throughout his bitter ordeal is what I ordinarily take away from this story. But I was struck this time by the thought that the opposite request of the one uttered by Satan would be one that honors God so much more. As believers, we also have access to the throne room of Heaven. (Hebrews 4:16) Unlike the evil one who asked to test Job, to see if he would curse God, I desire to come boldly before God – asking if He would place a hedge of protection around my child – and separate him from Satan – so that my child may once again hear from his Creator!


Prayer for Prodigals:

Still Small Voice

My specific prayer is this:


Lord, You know what lies Satan is whispering to my child and which lies my child has foolishly believed. Would you please replace the hedge of protection over my child – drowning out lies and deceptions – and give him space to hear YOUR voice instead? Thank you, Lord, for my salvation and the ability and privilege to pray for others. Gratefully, I heard Your call when I was younger. Now, I ask You to put my son in a place where he can hear Your “still small voice” again. Amen!


If your child needs protection right now, I encourage you to also check out my previous post, Learning about the Cities of Refuge.


I hope this message blesses you. If you would like specific prayer for your child, send us a message through this website. Please consider reposting this prayer, or sending it to a friend who needs it!

God bless,


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