God is Whispering

Prayers for Prodigals

God is Whispering

Lily Taylor | 11.15.22

Praying for Prodigals

He Has Answered

This morning I went to church with a wonderful young man. His life is on a solid path and his joy is contagious. A few years ago he was addicted to drugs and alcohol. A few years before that, he was in prison. We have known him since he was a teenager. As I was reflecting on how far he has come and the amazing transformation in his life, I remembered prayers we prayed for him years ago while he was in prison – that he would one day come back to the Lord and make a difference in the lives of others. And now we are seeing those prayers being answered.

prayers for prodigals whispers

When you are waiting on and desiring big breakthroughs in certain areas of your life, don’t neglect to give God the proper thanks and praise for the prayers He has already answered. Perhaps you are still waiting on your prodigal to return. If God has not yet answered that prayer, consider the prayers that He HAS answered. Every answered prayer is a “God hint” revealing the nature and sovereignty of the Creator. If we look carefully, we can see God at work – and this gives us confidence to wait patiently on Him!


We see this principal in 1 Kings 18-19. Elijah was a prophet living in a dangerous time when the servants of God were persecuted. God showed Elijah that He is capable of demonstrating His greatness by dramatic shows of power, such as raining fire from heaven. But when Elijah was feeling lonely and scared, God also also spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper. (1 Kings 19:11-12). This reminds me that there are times when God is going to show up big. But there are also times when He is moving so subtly that we might not discern it, if we’re not intentionally leaning in to listen. He is everywhere and in all things.


Scripture Prayers for Prodigals

He is Working

I desperately want to see my prodigal show up at church, and rededicate his life to the Lord.  I truly believe God is whispering to our son’s heart right now – just as He so obviously has been whispering to his good friend who was in church with us this morning.  Elijah seems to have preferred and expected God’s answers to be dramatic, and perhaps that is what I am also hoping God will do. A little piece of me longs for God to send fire, lightning or a whirlwind to shock our son into believing, but it is the heart “whisper” that matters most. 


In the Gospel of John, Jesus told a group of unhappy religious leaders who didn’t like the fact that he miraculously healed a crippled man on the Sabbath: 

My father is always at work, to this very day. And I too am working.” – John 5:17


Everywhere healing and restoration is needed, God is at work. Don’t miss the God hints. They are there; let them refresh you as you grow in faith.



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