For the Father who’s feeling sad on Father’s Day, please remember that…
Lily Taylor | 6.6.23
God's Word is Like A Hammer
As Mother’s Day recently passed, I had the opportunity to sympathize with quite a few moms who dread that particular day. Each year as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day approach, we are bombarded with images of warm embraces and shared special moments on television ads and social media posts. But quite a large number of parents wait and hope for a call from their prodigal child on that day that never comes. The devil will whisper in your ear that you should be angry – and tell you to give up praying for your wayward child.
But the truth is that your faithful prayers are moving mountains in the heavenly realm - because God’s word is more powerful than hard hearts!
The world was full of hard hearts in the prophet Jeremiah’s day (as it is today). Many of God’s people had fallen prey to a host of lies that enticed them away from the true heart of God. Jeremiah was discouraged by the state of the world around him. God reminded Jeremiah that His word is “like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces!” [Jeremiah 23:29] I love this imagery!
Each one of our website articles are full of God’s promises from His Word. As you proclaim these promises in your life, and over the life of your prodigal child, a hammer is swinging against darkness in the spiritual realm!
God's Timing is Not Our Timing
In Luke 18:7, Jesus told a parable to his disciples in which he ended the story by saying “Will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones who cry out to him day and night?” [Luke 18:7] God’s timing is not our timing, and His ways are not our ways, but we can be sure that – if we are crying out to Him, He will answer.
We don’t need to be eloquent or quote scripture extensively to get God’s attention. Jesus seemed to be saying in Luke 18:7 that it is our coming exclusively to God, our Father, and acknowledging Him as the source of all we need, that moves the heart of God.
The Apostle Paul said this before he taught his famous lesson on spiritual warfare: “[B]e strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” [Ephesians 6:10] It is God’s might that you are tapping into when you pray. There is nothing feeble about prayer like that. So, keep the faith. Pray and then thank God in advance. If you grow sad or weary, thank Him for loving us enough to give us a loving Savior, for giving us His word and His Holy Spirit to comfort us while we wait on Him.
I have recently seen some positive shifts in my prodigal’s life. The “mountain” of doubt, rebellion, debt, and anxiety is not yet at the bottom of the sea, but it’s at the edge of the cliff. On my own, I can’t move it, but with the MIGHT God, that mountain has no chance. God said it, so I believe it!