Lily Taylor | 6.4.22
The following post is inspired by the events detailed in our true story,
Unconfined: Lessons from Prison and the Journey of Being Set Free, by Lily Taylor. We hope it will help you find joy and purpose while you are waiting on restoration.
Learning About the Cities of Refuge
Because I am praying for a prodigal son, I am continually searching for Bible verses which are promises of healing and restoration. This week, a verse that I had read many times on my journey through the Bible impacted me as it had never done before. I think the context of the story is the reason why this truth had not brought me comfort before. The scripture is found in the middle of a sad story.
2 Samuel 14:14 reads, “All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him.”
This verse is part of a conversation in which a subject of King David is trying to persuade him to allow his banished son, Absalom, to return from exile. The King is persuaded and briefly reconciles with this son. Unfortunately, their relationship sours again, and never recovers. For years, I have believed that this is not a story where I can find comfort in my situation.
But, I was wrong!
In the middle of this sad story is a promise that God is not distant from our prodigal child waiting for him or her to turn back to Him. Instead He is actively devising ways to bring them back! It is likely that the woman’s statement in verse 14 is a reference to the “cities of refuge” described in Numbers 35:11–24. God instructed the Israelites to create “cities of refuge” when they entered into the land He promised to give them. These cities were a place where someone who had committed accidental manslaughter could seek asylum from those who sought to punish him or her. Outside the city of refuge the person who made a terrible mistake could be legally killed by avenger; but, inside the city, that person could live and prosper. When the Jewish High Priest died, the refuge seeker was set completely free – forgiven.
This is such a beautiful picture of the unrelenting love of Jesus, our Savior! He is our high priest and died to set us completely free. He not only wants to wash all our sins away, He wants to give us an abundant, fruitful life. (John 10:10). As I read about the cities of refuge, I began praying that God would put my two prodigal sons into a place of refuge
in the Heavenly realm.
The Bible says we have an adversary who accuses us before the throne of God day and night. (Revelation 12:10). Even if our prodigal children are legally giving the adversary something to charge him/her with, we can pray that Jesus, our Savior, will allow our children to be given refuge from the accuser for a time. This is not only to protect them from the one who came to kill, steal and destroy. But, also to give my child a peaceful mind and the ability to discern lies. In this place of protection, I ask that my child will hear the still small voice of God – knocking on the door of his heart. (Revelation 3:20).
Join me in this prayer below. I truly believe that the
prayers of a believing parent
are powerful and effective! (James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.)
Prayers for Refuge
“Lord, we know our children were created by You. Despite where they are right now, You still have a plan for their lives! Because of the blood of Jesus, they can be whole and healed once again. You can restore things that are completely broken - just as you showed Ezekiel that you can put flesh on "dry bones!"
Lord, you put so much love in our hearts for our children. And you know the pain that we feel because they are not walking in their destiny. You said you would carry all our burdens. So, we leave our pain at the foot of the cross. And we ask You to place our child’s soul into a place of refuge – just like you designed for the children of Abraham. This is so that my child can
hear from you
in a place that is free from the adversary, for a time. Your word promises us in 2 Samuel that You “devise ways to restore those you have been separated from you.” We pray in agreement with that promise. Please restore and bring back my child who has been separated from You. May You act in accordance with this promise
for Your glory!
Please give us a special touch today to remind us that You are "El Roi" - the "God who sees us." (Genesis 16). Help us to see and enjoy our other blessings, while we wait on YOU.
All our hope is in you, Lord! Amen!"