How to Intercede in Prayer for Your Prodigal Child

How to Intercede in Prayer for Your Prodigal Child

Lily Taylor | 2.18.22

If you are reading this and your child is making harmful choices, your concern for them is probably taking an emotional toll on you. There were times in our 15-year journey that it seemed impossible that we would see our prodigal appear in the distance, on the path home to the Father. Whenever we focused on our situation, we felt hopeless. But when we focused our hearts and minds on the Lord, we were filled with hope - because nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37). Your child is blessed to have a praying parent interceding on their behalf! For every praying parent, I want to join my hope to yours and pray in agreement with you – that you will see the answers to your prayers. Allow your spirit to be filled with peace, as you meditate on these powerful Biblical truths.

Day 1 Devotional:

Everything God Designed is Good. Your child was created by God and he loves them. If you told your child about Jesus when they were small, that seed is planted in their heart. God spoke the world into existence (Genesis 1:1) and His words are powerful (Isaiah 55:11). His design for your child is for them to have hope and walk in his purpose (Jeremiah 29:11). 

Meditation: Call to mind the awe and wonder of bringing new life into the world. No matter what detours your child may have taken, he or she is God’s workmanship and a treasure to the Lord. The seed of God’s word spoken over them as a young child will grow.

Prayer: Father God, my child’s life is a beautiful gift. Thank you that you can make all things new. When my child was little I taught him about what Jesus did to save us. Your holy scripture promises me that one day soon, you will water the seed that was planted. When my child calls out to you, he will be restored – made into a new creation brimming with hope and purpose.

Day 2 Devotional:   

My Prayers are in Agreement with God’s Heart. God is patient with our mistakes because He does not want anyone to perish and be separated from Him. (2 Peter 3:9) Therefore, you can be confident that God wants to answer your prodigal son prayer


Meditation: Confess anything in your mind or your life right now that does not line up with the heart of God. His heart is inclined to you, because you desire to please Him and follow Him. 


Prayer: Lord, You love my child even more than I do and created her to be a difference maker! Please give me a vision in my spirit of my daughter living for you, and then as I see it in my spirit, may I see it come to pass as soon as possible. I am eager to give you praise and glory for the answer to this prayer.   

Day 3 Devotional:

Intercessory Prayer is Powerful. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. (Luke 19:10) In His ministry, Jesus traveled all over searching for lost souls. Jesus sought to save even those who weren’t looking for Him. The fifth chapter of the Book of Mark tells the story of a man who was about as lost and hopeless as anyone could be – living in a graveyard continually crying out in his pain and cutting himself. The man was not asking for forgiveness or turning his heart toward God, yet Jesus went looking for him anyway. 


Meditation: Call to mind the many stories in the Bible of people who interceded for others and saw their prayers answered. God answered their prayer even when the person who was the object of their prayer was not praying. He can do the same for you! Abraham pleaded for the lost city of a Sodom and God sent mighty angels to extricate Abraham’s nephew Lot. (Genesis 18-19) Four faithful friends brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus, and when Jesus saw their faith, he healed their friend. (Mark 2:1-5) 


Prayer: Like the four friends who dropped their friend through the roof to lay him at the feet of Jesus, I lay my son before you, Lord. I ask you Lord to heal him of all mental and physical conditions, influences and beliefs which might lead to destruction. Open my son’s eyes today to see the truth and beauty of your love. Jesus I know you only have to speak the word, and my child will be healed and brought to new life!     

Day 4 Devotional:

God is moving even when I cannot see it.  In Matthew 18, Jesus told his followers that God assigns his angels to watch after our children. Think about how special that is. In the book of Daniel, an angel appeared to him 21 days after Daniel prayed an intercessory prayer. The angel explained that moment Daniel prayed, God dispatched an angel to answer. (Daniel 10). The delay in Daniel hearing the answer was due to a heavenly battle was being fought on his behalf.   


Meditation: My prayers are unleashing amazing, powerful things in the heavenly realm. 


Prayer: God, thank you that I don’t need to see with my eyes to believe with my heart that you are moving. Like Daniel, I take moments out of my day to pray and feel your peace, knowing that this battle will be won. You have said that nothing will be withheld from those who do what is right. (Psalm 84:11). Therefore, I know YOU HAVE THIS and I can trust you!      

Day 5 Devotional:

God never stops seeking our prodigal.  

Meditation: Jesus is so eager to have a relationship with your son or daughter that He is watching, knocking and pursing them. He leaves the 99 to run after a lost sheep.

Prayer: Thank you, Father God that You never stop pursuing us. Thank you that You leave the 99 to pursue my son who is far off, because You love him so much. Thank you that You desire to restore our children who far off.    You do not want our children to be overcome by the things of this world, instead You what to give them good gifts. Please cause my son’s spirit to be thirsty for the things of God and experience a time when he feels the love and indwelling of Your spirit. You have said that it only takes a mustard seed of faith to be saved. I planted seeds of faith when my child was young. So, I can be confident that when he is older those seeds will be watered – because your word never returns void!

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